Cleaning Aluminium

Aluminium – it is found in so many places and in so many products throughout the average home. The most common household products that are made of aluminium include lawn furniture, serving plates, cookware and barbecue and camping utensils. The reason that aluminium is often chosen for these household items is because it is long-lasting, hard wearing and relatively inexpensive.

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If you have the right products and you know to correct method, cleaning aluminium is not difficult. Make sure to never use an abrasive scrubbing brush wet cleaning aluminium, as this will only leave scratches. Also, try to clean your aluminium regularly rather than leaving it for months at a time. Regular cleaning will keep your products looking their best, but if you wait for several months then the cleaning task will be a difficult one.

To clean your aluminium, just fill a bucket all your kitchensink with warm water and add a few squirts of ordinary dishwashing detergent. Then just soak an ordinary kitchen sponge in the water and wipe down the aluminium. If the item you are cleaning has food particles stuck all, simply soak the item in the warm soapy water before you attempt to clean it.

Make sure that you use a microfibre cloth when cleaning aluminium. Simply rub the microfibre cloth over the aluminium product, and let the warm water and detergent do their job. This special kind of microfiber cloth has all the benefits of an abrasive sponge, but without causing any damage to your product.

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